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new balance uk factory 3000 hygiene kits become part of modern miracle JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. Robert H. Schuller once said, situations can become possible miracles. Sharyn Dietrich, Relief Society president of the Jeffersonvile Ward, said, ward chose to prepare 1,000 hygiene, 1,000 newborn kits and 1,000 book bags to be distributed to the local Red Cross, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, Center for Women and Children and other local service organizations. The cost of the items to fill the kits was approximately $15,000. We had only $2,500 collected and two days to go before our deadline to order the materials. Dietrich had previously submitted a grant request to the Southern Indiana Community Foundation, an organization providing funds for immediate relief in the current economic situation, but had not yet received a response. it was Friday, and I had heard nothing, Dietrich said. I sat and pondered the situation, I was prompted to call a local judge Joseph P. Weber of the Clark Superior Court 3 in Clark County known for his generosity. After explaining our project idea, he immediately responded yes and when I asked him how much he could give, thinking $500 would be nice, he told me that he would donate $5,000. About 30 minutes later, Dietrich received a phone call from the Community Foundation telling her that they were awarding her the grant in the amount of $4,740. of the foundation board members was impressed by our project and said they were happy to see a church step out of their congregation and help the community, Dietrich said. . day I came into my office with no idea how to get the additional funds for our project. Two hours and two phone calls later, we saw a modernday miracle. The Jeffersonville Ward, along with volunteers from neighboring churches, community groups, friends and families, donated their time April 25 to assemble the kits at the New Albany Stake Center. from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, April 25 at the New Albany Stake Center on 1524 Slate Run Road in an effort to assemble the kits and then present them to the local service organizations. The daylong project was an outgrowth of the volunteer work done in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav.