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new balance for men sale A disabled entitlement The Post and Courier Reminders of Social Security's bottomline insecurity have come at an increasing pace over the last decade. Unfortunately, many Americans persist in tuning them out. But the latest notice of Social Security's approaching fiscal train wreck should also serve as a reminder that retirees aren't the only people who depend on the system. As The Associated Press reported this week: "Laidoff workers and aging baby boomers are flooding Social Security's disability program with benefit claims, pushing the financially strapped system toward the brink of insolvency. Applications are up nearly 50 percent over a decade ago as people with disabilities lose their jobs and can't find new ones in an economy that has shed nearly 7 million jobs." The backlog of Americans waiting for Social Security disability applications to be processed is way up, too, with many people now facing delays of two years or more before their cases are resolved. Beyond that problem, however, lies this ominous new balancesheet breakdown: Social Security trustees now report that on its current course, the system's disability fund will run out of money by 2017 and that the retirement fund will be bankrupt two decades after that. The trustees are asking Congress to shore up the disability fund with money from the retirement fund. In other words, borrow from Peter to pay Paul. Yet as the number of people paying money into Social Security falls while the number of people taking money out of it rises, we can't borrow the system back to stability. Many Americans say they support the general concept of Social Security reform. Fresh evidence of Congress' wariness on the issue: This month's "debt reduction" deal, which raised the federal debt ceiling, blatantly dodged what remains Washington's biggest source of longterm red ink unsustainable entitlement systems. Social Security is in bad shape. Medicare is in even worse shape. And the longer we put off overdue entitlement reform, the more unpleasant and costly that task it will be. We expect our readers to engage in lively, yet civil discourse. If you find a comment that is objectionable, please click "report abuse" and we will review it for possible removal. Please be reminded, however, that in accordance with our Terms of Use and federal law, we are under no obligation to remove any third party comments posted on our website. Read our full Terms and Conditions.